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A fanlisting is a listing of fans of a particular book, movie, album, song, food, drink, place, etc.

A fanlisting is a listing of fans of a particular book, movie, album, song, food, drink, place, etc.

In this case, this is a fanlisting for the fourth season of Xena: Warrior Princess. Now, alot of places around the web, the unpopular opinion is that the fourth season was a favorite among alot of Xenites.
Personally, I thought the fourth season didn't get the recognition it deserved. It had some of the best episodes of the entire Xenaverse.

The fourth season was also home to the famous India Arc...which produced the most controversial episode in the entire Xenaverse, The Way. It caused a lot of ruckus among the Hindu community and prompted a protest which got the episode pulled from the airwaves. But after some protesting from the Xena fans, it was eventually returned to television.