Dreams: The Official Wrestlemania fanlisting    |   home
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Rules and Join
1. You must be a fan of Wrestlemania otherwise, why join?

2. You don't have to have a website to join, just a valid e-mail.

3. If you do have a site you must put one of the following on your site: either one of my codes, a text link, or you can make your own. I don't care, just some kind of linkage if you want your site listed along with your name.

4. All fields on the form are required, EXCEPT where it says optional. And those fields are optional for everyone.

5. No direct linking of any kind! I pay for my own bandwidth and when you direct link you are stealing it. It's not only rude, but
considered illegal as well. If your server won't allow picture uploading, then just provide a text link.

6. No hate sites of any kind, that goes for pornographic ones as well. I'll add your name, I just won't link your site from here.

Don't think those are too much? Then just fill the form out and I'll get you added right away.

WWW? (Optional):
Favorite Mania (Optional):